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Organizational Intelligence

Advance Without Attrition.

Align your organization's objectives and how it works together so resources are always channeled to where they're needed most.

Group representing employee retention
People analytics photo

Does it seem that your organization is running in place?

It's hard for an org to make progress when how its teams work together is out of sync with its priorities. 

The misalignment leads to wasted resources, bad hires, and missed opportunities. 

  • Disappointed by past efforts to fix organizational alignment?
  • Are the best people, processes, and technology not making enough of a difference?
  • Struggling to hire and/or retain the talent you need?
  • Ready to advance?



Move forward faster.

Tap our Organizational Intelligence solutions to finally trade the treadmill for traction.

Data Analytics to close Gaps

Close Alignment Gaps

Expose hidden causes behind performance problems and fix them once and for all.

Magnifying Glass on employee retention

Hire & Keep Great Talent

Avoid bad hires and fill your teams with talent that fits the organization’s priorities, culture, and long-term goals.

Data Analytics of networks

Make Smarter Moves

Turn data the organization already has into insights that will help take it where it needs to go.



Presentation to Group of Employees

Organizational Intelligence Solutions

Organizational Diagnostic

Expose the hidden barriers to progress.

Underneath your org chart is an engine of human connections that enable results. When performance idles, an Organizational Diagnostic pops the hood to find what's wrong. 

Why perform an Organizational Diagnostic?
  • Uncover and optimize the hidden networks that get things done. 
  • Reveal how employees perceive the organization and use those insights to boost engagement.
  • Map the effectiveness of leaders and drive desired behaviors.

Your organization is as healthy as the hidden connections that enable performance. Use the Organizational Diagnostic to make the connections visible so you can make them work better. 


Win and retain talent that move the org forward.

Nothing derails a team's progress like talent challenges. Workforce Analytics solutions use your data to take the guesswork out of hiring and retention so your teams can stay on track. 

  • Identify skill gaps and build precise profiles of the talent you need.
  • Spot candidate traits that will improve KPIs.
  • Avoid high-risk candidates and reduce attrition.

Who you hire (and don't) will have an enormous influence on your org's momentum. Tap Workforce Analytics to make your team building smarter.

ai readiness & enablement 

Unlock the power of AI and lead with confidence.

Embrace the future of AI-driven innovation and ensure your organization is not just prepared, but primed to harness the full potential of AI. With AI Readiness & Enablement Services from McChrystal Group, you can transform bold vision and potential into reality and integrate AI into workflows and existing digital infrastructure seamlessly.

Why ai readiness & enablement?
  • Future-proof your strategy with our proven AI readiness approach, real-time analytics, and scalable automated solutions.
  • Ensure no one at your organization is left behind by embedding lasting behaviors in your teams.
  • Turn raw data into enterprise-wide intelligence for actionable insights and smarter decision -making.

Partner with McChrystal Group to pioneer a new era of innovation and drive sustainable growth through AI. Explore how our tailored solutions can empower your organization to thrive amidst technological evolution.